Get help from your Practice use askmyGP between 07:00am -09.00am (Monday to Friday)
and we will aim to respond on the same day.
***Newarthill Medical Practice will be closed to take part in Protected Learning Time for all staff on Wednesday 27th November from 1-6pm.
If you require acute or urgent medical attention during this time call the practice as usual and you’ll be diverted to NHS dedicated call handlers who will triage you to the most appropriate person.
For routine enquiries such as blood results or repeat prescriptions please call when the practice reopens on Thursday 28th November.
If for any reason the call doesn’t divert you, please hang up and call 01698 752921.***
Welcome to Newarthill Medical Practice
Latest News
Surgery closed Wednesday 21st August from 2-6pm.
Newarthill Medical Practice
15 Carfin Road,
Call: 01698 732501